Mid North Coast NSW Astronomy Group
We've formed a new astronomy and space group on the mid north coast NSW (Wauchope) under the auspices of world renowned local astronomer (Astro) Dave Reneke. This is open to all ages groups.

Do you own a telescope and don't know what to do with it, or have you always had a fascination for the night sky but wanted to know more? A new astronomy group has now formed on the Mid-North Coast under the auspices of world renowned local astronomer (Astro) Dave Reneke.
Dave is a feature space writer for major Australian publications including Australasian Science magazine and a science correspondent for ABC and commercial radio.
He's also a sought after astronomy educator and lecturer. "Over the years many Hastings residents have approached me about starting an astronomy group and I think it's a good idea," Dave said. "It's strictly for Mid-north Coast residents and free for anyone who wants to join."
Appearing live on 13 radio stations weekly across Australia, Dave gets lots of questions about space and astronomy, many relating to buying and using a telescope. A big part of the group will be just that," Dave said. "I'll be able to teach members not only how to select the right scope for them but show them how to get the best use from it. They'll learn a lot about astronomy from me as well." Membership to the group is free and informal with no committees or official procedures to slow things down," Dave added.
Mid North Coast Astronomy Introduced Their New Venture...Outdoor Sci-Fi Movies.

Its a first and one of many to follow. The Mid North Coast Astronomy Group (Wauchope NSW) recently held their very first public viewing night for 2020 at their observing field, Fairmont Gardens.
We ran the 1953 classic 'War Of The Worlds' to a appreciative audience under a very warm early evening sky. They came and stayed till the end. Dave Reneke, the convener of the group, said they intend to run a different sci-fi classic movie on the lawn every 2 months.
During and after the movie members of the astronomy group conducted a telescope field night looking at the Moon, planets, star clusters and nebula.

Dustin Bradford had his amazing 12 inch Meade Go-To operating allowing many visitors to take a souvenir photo through his scope.
Several other members were present with telescopes showing excited locals and their families the night sky, thanks to Jack from Laurieton, our own Lynley on the 10 inch Dob and Anne Lloyd wit her new 90mm refractor.
Next one up will be the space favorite starring Leslie Nielsen, 'Forbidden Planet' along with another public viewing night. Enquiries to Dave on 0400 636 363 or se the Facebook page Mid North Coast Astronomy.
Why Not Join Mid North Coast Astronomy

Its FREE and you're invited to join. This group is strictly for residents of the Hastings and surrounding districts, or anyone outside who can travel and take an active part in running it. By the way, you don't need a telescope to join, the group will loan you one. Remember, Its FREE and you can stay as long as you want.
- Large telescopes available for use and instruction - Hands on lessons given
- A 100 + DVD library available for your enjoyment
- Loan telescopes for adults/kids - Advanced amateurs welcome
- Phone: 02 6585 2260 Mobile: 0400 636 363
- Facebook: Mid North Coast Astronomy