Home Astronomy SLIDE SHOWS
How was the solar system formed? What are black holes? Will our sun really die? Will we live on Mars? How are stars made? Are there really other universes?
These questions and more will be answered in a fascinating astronomy PowerPoint slide show called 'Secrets of the Universe'. The good part is we come to you...at your place ...so no need to get organised to go out!
especially for Australian audiences by astronomy writer and lecturer David
Reneke, 'Secrets of the Universe' is a full colour audio-visual program
detailing the evolution of the Universe. Dozens of amazing facts and figures
about space will be revealed with time for questions afterward.
You'll marvel at close-up images of incredible planets, moons, stars, galaxies and black holes. We'll examine the latest images of the surface of Mars and you'll even get to hold a real meteorite! It's a relaxed and entertaining audio visual look at the universe for the whole family. David is a very experienced astronomy and space presenter well known for his enthusiastic and colourful presentations.
Suitable for those with little or no knowledge of astronomy, you'll learn how the universe was created. You'll discover the wonder and beauty of stars, star clusters, galaxies, and black holes - and hear about the latest discoveries in space and astronomy. You'll even get to hold a real meteorite...and much more!
We Come To You
Yep, we run this show from your place, in your living room or outside on the lawn. This is an alternative to our outside viewing nights with the telescope for those who have already seen that show, or just want to relax and understand the Universe a little more in a comfy chair with feet up!
A number of startling facts will be made public on the night, some which will shock most people! David teaches astronomy at college level, is an invited speaker at astronomy conventions throughout Australia, a feature writer for major Australian magazines and newspapers, and is a science correspondent heard on dozens of ABC and commercial radio stations.
David recently toured the USA on assignment where, among other things, he met Sir Richard Branson and visited astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, at his home in California.
You will not hear or see anything like this anywhere in the world, we promise. Rain, hail or shine it's on. Kids welcome. This unique show will leave you astounded and on the edge of your seat as you discover the 'Secrets of the Universe.'
* IDEA!! Astronomy Night At Your Place - Home Visits/ LARGE Telescopes. Click on the arrow.
Presentation 2.
Apollo 11 The Untold Story

In July 1969 two men walked on the Moon. This is the untold story of this historic mission but also reveals some of the things that went wrong and what we weren't told. David has unearthed dozens of amazing facts from previously classified CIA files and talks he had with Buzz Aldrin when he spent time with him at his home in California in 2008.
David went on to write a bestselling e-book called 'Apollo11 The Untold Story'... 50 things we didn't know, or weren't told, about the first moon landing. It's been a best seller world-wide and took months to assemble.
Presentation 3.
UFOs - Where Do They Come From

This is a amazing look at the phenomenon of UFOs. Using many colour and black/white images David highlights some of the classic cases form the last 50 years and details what others have been reporting from around the world. Some of these facts will be confronting and cause you to rethink our place in the Universe.
David spent 10 years as a full time UFO investigator in the 70's and became a world acknowledged expert on the subject. As always, questions will be welcome.
David is also the publicist and writer for Australasian Science Magazine, he teaches astronomy at college level, is an invited speaker at astronomy conventions throughout Australia, a feature writer for major Australian newspapers, and is currently a science correspondent for ABC and commercial radio speaking on dozens of stations each week across the country on astronomy and space science issues.