Astronomy Resources

I Bought A Telescope - What Now?
Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered just what you were looking at? Or have you gone as far as getting yourself a pair of binoculars or a telescope and then finding that it was not as easy as you thought?
You'll unlock the secrets of astronomy and the mysteries of telescopes to get you started exploring your universe and with this newly learned knowledge you will become a confident astronomer.Using simple, practical methods this will show you how you can quickly become experienced in finding your way around the night sky.
Tips for Holding a Viewing Night
One of the problems faced in teaching astronomy is that you are generally discussing objects that cannot be seen during a typical school day.
Whilst there are now some schemes that allow you to access telescopes remotely so that your class can view night somewhere else in the world, there is still nothing to beat the impact of a well-run viewing night under clear dark skies to promote an interest in many students.This article provides you with some tips and guidelines in how to hold a successful event.
Users Manual 10″ Dob
The Celestron StarHopper 10 is an entry-level Dobsonian Reflector. This Dobsonian is ideal as a first scope for any newcomer to deep space observing.With this scope, such astronomical objects as the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxies can be explored right from your own backyard.The StarHop
per 10's simple Dobsonian design allows for easy setup by one individual. This is also a guide to set up most similar Dobs.
The Celestron StarHopper 10 is an entry-level Dobsonian Reflector. This Dobsonian is ideal as a first scope for any newcomer to deep space observing.With this scope, such astronomical objects as the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxies can be explored right from your own backyard.The StarHop
per 10's simple Dobsonian design allows for easy setup by one individual. This is also a guide to set up most similar Dobs.
Users Manual 8″ Dob
Your 8″ Dobsonian telescope can bring the wonders of the universe to your eye. The step-by-step explanation of how to set up and use a Bushnell Voyager 8 inch Dobsonian telescope,makes it even faster and easier to use - whether you're new to astronomy or an avid watcher of the stars.
The Bushnell Voyager's telescope body comes pre-assembled and comes pre-collimated, no collimation should be required
Users Manual 4.5″ Dob
If you are taking your first voyage into the nightsky a friendly little Dobsonian likethe Orion SkyQuest XT4.5 makes a lot of sense. You should have everything you need to get great views with this sturdy and reliable scope.It is big enough to gather a fair amount of light and small enough to put in the back of the car.
This is also a useful manual for most Dobs this size. Compared to other telescopes for beginners, the Orion SkyQuest XT4.5 excels in every category.
Astronomy Apps for Mobile Devices
The explosion in mobile apps in the last few years has meant that many new astronomy applications have become available. This catalog is a first attempt to make a list of those of particular interest to astronomy educators.
For each mobile app, we give the title, then the developer (in parentheses), the web address for downloading it, and a brief description.
How to Take Astro Images Using Film
You may have seen some of the beautiful photographs of sky objects that have been taken over the years. Perhaps you've even wondered whether it might be possible for you to take photos of the night sky.
The answer is most definitely "yes."Making the transition from normal photography then and into astro-photography is relatively easy. You can make some interesting pics of stars even with inexpensive equipment.
Barlow Lens
You may have seen some of the beautiful photographs of sky objects that have been taken over the years. Perhaps you've even wondered whether it might be possible for you to take photos of the night sky.
Buying Your First Telescope
You're a beginner. This is going to be your first telescope. You like astronomy, or at least the thought of it, and you want to take this to another level. The last thing you want to do is waste your money. What you're hoping to buy is something you will actually use, something you will actually enjoy.
This is a 16-page must-have handbook for any beginning observer, this booklet includes descriptions of telescope types, mounts, accessories, basic night-sky targets, and more
Collimate Your Newtonian Reflector
One of the most frequently noted disadvantages against the Newtonian reflector is its need for regular collimation. However, this supposed disadvantage can be reduced to a minor task if lining up the optical elements is approached logically. Suppose you have bought a fine guitar with a lovely sound and are learning to play it. But after a while, you notice that it has gone slightly out of tune. What do you do?
How to Collimate a Newtonian Telescope
Alternative Lesson: Every type of telescope requires collimation - the alignment of the optics and mechanics of your telescope so that it produces sharp, clear images. If you're nervous about altering the alignment of your reflector's mirrors, read on. We'll show you a simple and quick method of collimating your Newtonian telescope that will give you good results every time. When you're collimating, work in an area that gives you room to move around your scope comfortably. Keep your movements considered and gradual.
How To Make A Telescope
To begin, all you need to do is understand the principles of what makes a telescope work. Let's start off simple... How To Make A Telescope From Household Items:For this simple telescope, you will need some aluminum foil and one magnifying lens.The lens doesn't need to be anything more complex than an ordinary toy magnifying glass. Instead of needing a tube , your arms become the telescope body and the magnifying glass will act as the telescope's objective lens.
Parts Of A Telescope
There are several parts of a basic optical telescope. In general, the parts of a telescope consist of an optical tube assembly, the objective and secondary lenses, and the eyepiece. In more advanced telescopes a focuser, finder, Barlow lens, mount, and tripod can be added.The basic parts of the telescope have not changed since the invention of the spyglass. The complexity has increased over the centuries, but all telescopes contains the same parts in varying degrees of technological advancement. This will hopefully unravel some of the mystique.
Telescope Accessories
Have you ever wondered what kind of telescope accessories you might need? You aren't the only one! Just what are these astronomical gadgets called and what do they do? Many of them have strange names and even stranger functions.There are two you need right away and some that can wait. What type of telescope accessories are necessary and which ones are just plain fun? If you've got questions like these, then follow along as we explore the world of telescope accessories.
Tips for Purchasing Affordable Telescopes
Where to begin? You have been interested in astronomy for some time now and you have begun looking for your first telescope. If you have spent any time online looking you will soon find that you may quite possibly be in over your head. Today there are such a great variety of telescopes and brands it can sometimes be difficult finding exactly what you want. This is where this sheet comes in. With a little help and possibly some luck you'll be able to find a good affordable telescope to begin observing.
Using An Equatorial Mount
There are a number of variations on the equatorial theme but the most popular are the English and German designs. In all equatorial mounts, the aim is to design the mounting so that its East / West (Right Ascension (RA)) axis is parallel to the axis of Earth.By doing this the telescope can be driven at the same rotation speed as Earth. As the telescope and Earth are then rotating on the same axis and same speed the point in the sky where the scope is pointing appears to remain stationary.
Astronomy Without A Telescope
As hobbies go, astronomy has a tough reputation. Too hard, too expensive is what I often hear. Wrong! The easiest and best way into astronomy is actually with no telescope at all. There are lots of interesting things to see and enjoy in the night sky with just your eyes. First though, watch out for the effects of light pollution, it's your biggest enemy.
Read this short fact sheet and you'll have a cheap head start to a great hobby. At the least you'll have a good night out at home in your own backyard.
Understanding Moon Phases
Have you ever wondered what causes the moon phases? We all know that its appearance changes over time. But why? The good way to understand the phases of the moon is to examine an earth-moon-sun diagram. Sunlight is shown coming in from the right. The earth, of course, is at the center of the diagram.
The moon is shown at 8 key stages during its revolution around the earth. The moon phase name is shown alongside the image. The dotted line from the earth to the moon represents your line of sight when looking at the moon.
26 Essential Observing Tips
Amateur astronomy is about observing: Each and every time you look through an eyepiece, you make contact with a distant part of the universe.
We've assembled this list of observing tips - one for each letter of the alphabet - to help you get the most out of those precious moments behind the eyepiece. We've discovered some of them on our own, but others were passed on by wise observing buddies.
Read them, use them, and add to them. If you do, you'll become a better observer.
More Observing Tricks
Some basic techniques that experienced observers use all the time to enhance their viewing. Many beginners are disappointed that they cannot see some of the details described in books or by other advanced observers.
All that is needed is to use the right methods of observing to see much more.
Employ these little tricks to get the most out of your stargazing.
Techniques For Better Viewing
Some tips on using your scope to better advantage. How do you get the most out of using your telescope? Astronomers have been collecting and swapping observing tips for years. Here is a brief description of some popular recommendations from selecting an observing location to observing with a telescope. Astronomers often employ an observing technique called "averted vision", the art of looking slightly to the side of a faint object being studied.
We look at this amazing technique in detail....Plus much more
How To Master the Art of Averted Vision
As a novice observer, if you look at a faint comet through a telescope you probably won't see a thing. Indeed, you'll probably only be able to see clear objects like the Orion Nebula or the Andromeda Galaxy. However, training the eye to use 'averted vision' will enable you to see much more of the night sky.
Averted vision is the technique of looking out of the corner of your eye to see faint objects more clearly. To see really faint objects you need to understand its limitations and the tricks that can be employed to coax the maximum out of its 'short exposure' capability.nter your text here...