Amateur Astronomy Clubs & Societies in Australia.
A common philosophy within these organisations is the emphasis they place on public education. Enquires from anyone with an interest in astronomy are most welcome. Where given, annual fees are subject to change. Please note that a number of the societies now have Internet home pages. These can be excellent sources of information such as latest astronomical discoveries, society events and connections to other astronomy sites on the Web. See below for each individual club
Astronomical Society of Albury Wodonga meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona Campus, off Elizabeth Mitchell Drive at 7.00pm. Viewing takes place either before or after meetings, weather permitting. Regular projects include telescope construction, grazing occultations and deep sky viewing. Address: PO Box 1500, Lavington NSW 2641 Fees: $25 Single, $35 Family and $15 Student/Concession Contact: David Thurley (02) 6040 3704 Web: https://www.asaw.org.au
Astronomical Society of Coonabarabran meets on the third Wednesday each month at 7:30pm at the Imperial Hotel, John Street, Coonabarabran. The club's 15cm Dobsonian reflector is available for members to hire and they also have a 25cm LightBridge to loan to members. Address: c/- AAO Private Bag, Coonabarabran NSW 2357 Fees: $1 joining fee plus $25 per year (full member, less for associate/junior membership). Contact: Paul Cass (02) 6842 2994 Web: https://www.coona-astro.org.au
Astronomical Society of NSW holds meetings twice per month, see their website for details. At ordinary meetings, professional astronomers are invited to talk. The technical meetings are less formal, where members often run discussions. The society runs two observing sites. One an observatory at Bowen Mountain, near Richmond, west of Sydney (housing a 16 inch telescope). The other is their dark sky property Wiruna, near Ilford. This site includes accommodation, amenities, a 25 inch and a 17.5 inch telescope. A monthly magazine Universe is also published. Address: GPO Box 1123, Sydney NSW 2001 Web: https://www.asnsw.com
Astronomical Society of the Hunter meets at The Maitland City Bowling Club on the 1st Friday each odd month at 6:45 pm. Address: PO Box 69, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Fees: $20 adult, $25 family Contact: Col Maybury (02) 4937 4664 or 0427 889 653
Canberra Astronomical Society meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month starting at 8pm. A beginners group starts one hour before the main meeting. The venue is usually the Duffield Lecture Theatre, Mt. Stromlo Observatory, Weston, ACT. Meetings regularly feature guest speakers from both the amateur and professional communities. The society has a broad range of programs to support the beginner through to the very experienced amateur astronomer. Membership includes the CAS monthly newsletter 'Southern Cross' and access to the society's telescopes including its Meade LX200 14″ on Mt. Stromlo. Address: PO Box 1338, Woden ACT 2606 Fees: $15 student; $30 full, individual; $40 families Web: https://www.mso.anu.edu.au/cas/
Central West Astronomical Society Inc (Parkes) meetings are held on the first Friday of the month at the Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre, commencing 7:30pm, visitors welcome. Public viewing nights are organised and regular observing nights are held twice a month. Address: PO Box 819, Parkes NSW 2870 Fees: $30 adults, $20 students Web: https://www.cwas.org.au
Astronomical Society Inc meets on the first Monday of each month (except January) at 7pm at the Boambee Memorial Hall behind the Mobil Service Station, cnr Pacific Highway and Sawtell Road, Boambee. Address: 11 Yarad Place, Boambee NSW 2450 Contact: Win Howard (02) 6653 2742
Grafton Astronomical Society meets on the first Wednesday each month at 7:30pm at the Grafton Aero Club, Vere Street, South Grafton 2460. New members are welcome. Fees: $25 per annum Contact: Mick Austin (02) 6643 1349 or Noelene Faulkner (02) 66421091
Hawkesbury Astronomical Association meetings are held 2nd Wednesday each month, at 7:45pm, in the Tebbutt Rooms at the Derubbin Centre, Windsor. They also observe on Third Quarter and New Moon weekends. The club organises several public field nights per year and presents a basic introduction to astronomy. The HAA aims to cater for the newcomer at a basic level. Address: PO Box 670, Windsor NSW 2756 Fees: $20 adult, $30 family and $10 junior. Contact: Adrian Saw (02) 4572 1568
Illawarra Astronomical Society meetings are held at the Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium on the second Tuesday each month (except January) at 7:30pm. There are regular observing nights held at various sites near Wollongong. Address: PO Box 1814, Wollongong NSW 2500 Contact: Peter MacKinnon (02) 4276 3199 Web: https://illawarraastronomicalsociety.hostoi.com
Macarthur Astronomical Society holds meetings, with guest speakers and workshops, every third Monday of the month at 7.30 pm at the University of Western Sydney (Campbelltown Campus). Please visit our website www.macastro.org.au for full details. The society also publishes a monthly journal, Prime Focus, and offers dark sky observing on members sites. The MAS encourages members from novice to expert. They provide Full, Student, Pensioner and Family levels of membership. Address: c/- Secretary, PO Box 17, Minto NSW 2566 Contact: John Rombi 0425 249 301 Web: https://www.macastro.org.au
Sydney Northwest Astronomy Group (SNAG) does not have meetings, but observe on Friday nights under clear skies at Kenthurst. Fees: Nil Contact: Ken Petersen (02) 9634 1736 Web: Back to Contents
Northern Sydney Astronomical Society Inc meets at St Ignatius College at Lane Cove third Tuesday of every month and conducts regular observing nights at North Turramurra Golf Club. The society has a quarterly journal, Reflections. Monthly observing nights are held at North Turramurra golf course. Address: PO Box 56, Lane Cove, NSW 1595 Fees: $40 per year. Contact: Society mobile 0423 971 374 Web: https://www.nsas.org.au
Port Macquarie Astronomical Association Inc meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month (except December) at 7:30pm at the observatory. Open to the public on Sunday and Wednesday nights at 7:30pm (8:15pm during daylight saving) for viewing through the telescope and an astronomical presentation. Check our website for a detailed map of how to get to the observatory. Address: PO Box 1453, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Contact: Joy Woods (Sec) 0403 683 394, (02) 6582 2397 Web: https://www.pmobs.org.au
Shoalhaven Astronomers meet at the University Of Wollongong, ShoalHaven Campus on the third Friday of the month at 7:30 for 8.00 pm. Club social viewing nights are held on specific Saturdays at different places around Nowra. They also have a monthly magazine called The Astroflyer. Address: PO Box 1053, Nowra NSW 2541 Fees: $25 per year for single membership Contact: Jack Apfelbaum (Pres) (02) 4423 2255 Web: https://www.shoalhavenastronomers.asn.au
Sutherland Astronomical Society meets every Thursday at 8pm at the Green Point Observatory near Sutherland, with the main meeting and guest speaker on the 1st and 4th Thursdays. Junior Section meets 3rd Thursdays (primary school) and following Friday (high school) Feb - Nov at 6:30pm. The observatory houses a 41cm reflecting telescope, 35cm C14 with CCD camera, 20cm Dobsonian, a library and meeting hall. The society also publishes a regular journal and star nights are available for interested groups. There is also a public open night and astronomy course held annually. Address: PO Box 31, Sutherland NSW 1499 Fees: $50 full, $40 student/associate, $25 retirees, $20 junior and $60 for families plus joining fee - s full/family $25, others $15 (no joining fee for juniors). Fees subject to change. Contact: Secretary (02) 9589 1014 (voicemail) Web: https://www.sasi.net.au S
Sydney City Skywatchers meet at Sydney Observatory on the first Monday of the month (except January) at 6:30pm. At these meetings, professional astronomers are often invited as guest speakers. Regular practical workshops are also held on weekends. The society also publishes a regular newsletter called The Astronomer's Bulletin. Address: Sydney Observatory, Watson Rd, The Rocks NSW 2000 Fees: $40 per year ($20 concession). Contact: Secretary, Elizabeth (02) 9398 9705 Web: https://www.sydneycityskywatchers.asn.au
The Newcastle Astronomical Society meetings are held on the first Friday each month (except January), at the University of Newcastle, Lecture Theatre GP room 1, 1st floor of Linguistics Building at 7:30pm. Most meetings consist of a general summary of astronomy news, guest speakers or short presentation by members and Astronomy DVD screening depending on the programme for the evening. Observing nights are held on Saturday nights following their monthly Friday night meeting or the when the new Moon occurs. The NAS has projects such telescope building and mirror grinding, polishing and collimating. Astro-camps and movie nights are held throughout the year. There is also a 'Side-Walk' astronomy viewing program where members with telescopes can be found roaming the city of Newcastle. Details are on their website. All are welcome to attend. Address: c/- Dept. Physics, University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 Fees: Adult $25, Child/Pensioner $15, Family $30 Contact: NAS President Chris Bond 0412 786 846 Web: https://www.nas.org.au
Tamworth Regional Astronomy Club tamworthastronomy.com.au
University of New England and Northern Tablelands Astronomical Society meetings are held once per month at the Kirby Observatory on Wednesday evenings close to New Moon at 7 for 7:30 pm. The society has access to the UNE Physics Department astronomy and observing facilities, and caters for all levels. Meetings usually include a talk with viewing. Address: Ms Anne Parnell, 81 Perrott St Armidale NSW 2350 Fees: $10 per year Contact: Anne Parnell (02) 6772 1958 Web: https://www.unentas.armidale.com
Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group Inc meets at 7:30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Nepean Astronomy Centre, University of Western Sydney, Werrington Campus. Hear Interesting guest speakers and attend Astronomy Workshops. Learn how to use a telescope, the sort of telescope best suits your needs. There are also regular observing nights at Linden (Beames) Observatory at Linden on the Saturday nights of nearest New Moon and a monthly newsletter. Address: PO Box 400, Kingswood NSW 2747 Fees: $40 full, $30 student/concession, $50 family/school groups. Contact: Gerry Aarts President WSAAG/Linden Trustee 0416 29 2020 Web: https://wsaag.org
Wollongong Amateur Astronomy Club has monthly meetings on the first Thursday of the month, at 7:30pm, at the Unanderra Community Centre, Princess Highway Unanderra. Visitors are most welcome to attend. New Moon and Last Quarter observing nights are held at sites south of Wollongong. For Users: Our new web site is https://waacers.createmybb3.com/index.php
FEES: The Annual fees are now at $25.00. These are due by the end of June.
Contact #1: Joe PERULERO> 0421 881 971 Contact #2: Jeff POUNTNEY > 0423 972 181
Alice Springs Astronomical Society holds regular monthly club meetings at the Comspec Premises, call for times. One star viewing night is held each month, at the dark sky site - Lot 4907, Chateau Rd on Saturdays closest to new Moon. Address: Box 739, Alice Springs NT 0871 Fees: $30 annual membership dues Contact: Richard Williamson (08) 8953 1903
Gove Amateur Astronomers meets monthly for viewing nights on a Saturday close to the New Moon at their dark sky site on the Dhupma Road, as announced in the local paper the Arafura Times, on 106.9 GoveFM and the town noticeboard. They have approximately one hundred members in the club of all ages. Address: PO Box 178, Nhulunbuy NT 0881 Fees: $40 family, $30 single and $20 student. Contact: Ian Maclean 0417 601 490 Web: https://www.goveastronomers.org.au Back to Contents
Astronomical Association of Queensland meetings are held one Saturday afternoon in each month from March to December, depending on the lunar phase. These are now held in Lecture Theatre 222, the Parnell Building (School of Maths and Physics), located on the south side of the Great Court, University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus. Meetings generally commence at 4pm, and details of the dates can be located on our website. The club also has an extensive lending library, holds regular observing nights, public field nights and publishes a monthly newsletter and Annual Proceedings. The AGM is held in February each year. They also have a North Queensland regional section, details on their website. Address: PO Box 6101, St Lucia Qld 4067 Fees: $35 adult, $23 student and pensioner, family discounts. Contact: Peter Hall (07) 3378 1173 Web: https://www.aaq.org.au
Brisbane Astronomical Society hold meetings each month except January, see their web site www.bas.asn.au for details. They welcome anyone interested in Astronomy who wants to learn more about the subject in a supportive club environment. They conduct free public viewing nights from 7 - 9pm at the Mt. Coo-tha Lookout on the Saturday closest to First Quarter Moon (weather permitting). Details on all BAS events are available at their website. Address: PO Box 15892, City East Qld 4002 Fees: $30 full, $18 pensioner, $26.50 country, $18 junior, $36 family, $32.50 country family & $50 international, also $5 joining fee. Contact: BAS Infoline (07) 3321 8511 (recorded club information service) Web: https://www.bas.asn.au
Bundaberg Astronomical Society meetings are held at Alloway Observatory every Friday at 7:30pm. The second Friday of the month are general meetings and are not held in January. Regular field nights are held as required. Address: PO Box 4221, South Bundaberg Qld 4670 Fees: $30 adult and $15 student, no joining fee required. Contact: Mac Jonsen (07) 4153 6469
Hervey Bay Astronomical Society meets at 7pm on the last Friday of each month at the USQ Building in Pialba. Viewing nights are held monthly on the Saturday nearest New Moon at the Takura Observatory dark site (see website for updates). Address: 6 Flora Court, Dundowran Beach Qld 4655 Contact: Ray Johnston (07) 4128 7986 Web: https://www.hbastro.org
Mount Isa Astronomy Group meets at their dark sky observing site at the Lions Youth Camp on Lake Moondarra (17km outside of Mount Isa). Meetings are held monthly, usually the Saturday preceding New Moon. They have a roll-off roof observatory at the camp that houses 250mm and 150mm telescopes. There is also an adjacent observers lounge and over night accommodation nearing completion 8/09). Public star parties are held annually. Interested persons should contact Len Fulham for membership details and a list of observing dates. Address: PO Box 1556, Mount Isa Qld 4825 Fees: $50 per year Contact: Len Fulham (07) 4743 5385 (AH), (07) 4743 2955 (W), fax (07) 4743 3381
Redlands Astronomical Society meets on the second Tuesday of the month at Ormiston College, Ormiston (27km SE of Brisbane), see web site for details. This is a small but keen society in the Brisbane area also meeting on another Tuesday for skywatching. Address: PO Box 2048, Wellington Point Qld 4160 Fees: $25 single, $40 family, $15 student (under 18) Contact: www.ras.org.au Web: https://www.ras.org.au
South East Queensland Astronomical Society meets third Tuesday of the month at Chermside Library from January to November. Meetings commence at 7:30pm. They have a monthly newsletter Universal Times and a library. Telescopes are available for hire to members. Public field nights, 'Urban Observers' are held at Indooroopilly High School, on the first Sunday of each month and at Barrett Street Reserve, Bracken Ridge on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Dark sky visits and residential weekends are organised monthly. Address: PO Box 60, Everton Park Qld 4053 Fees: $25 for adults and concession $15, no joining fees are applicable. Contact: Julie Straayer (07) 3325 2479 Web: https://www.seqas.org
Southern Astronomical Society has monthly meetings at Livingstone Christian College, Ormeau. Meetings include observing through telescopes. The society holds monthly astrocamps at a dark sky location. It also produces a monthly E-newsletter. Address: PO Box 867, Beenleigh Qld 4207 Fees: $30 adult $15 student, discount for additional family members. Contact: Joe Zerafa 0421 866 376 Web: https://www.sas.org.au T
Townsville Astronomy Group observe on the Saturday closest to New Moon or the following Saturday if conditions are not suitable. Viewing sites change and details are on the website under events. Address: 6 Halstead St, Gulliver Townsville 4812 Fees: nil Contact: Charles Mitchard (07) 4775 7253 Web: https://astronomy.abigbluesky.com
Astronomical Society of South Australia meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday each month (except January) at the University of Adelaide, North Terrace Campus. The society maintains four sites. Stockport Observatory, the Society's premier dark sky observatory, is located 80km north of Adelaide and houses 0.5m, 0.46m and 0.38m telescopes. The Heights Observatory at The Heights School, Modbury Heights, houses a 300mm telescope. Other observing sites are located at Tooperang, south of Adelaide, as well as Whyalla (observing site at Middleback Station) and the Northern Yorke Peninsula area (observing site at Wallaroo). Public education is important to the ASSA and it conducts various lectures and observing nights. The Society publishes a monthly newsletter. Public field nights are held monthly at The Heights Observatory, and Public Star Parties are hosted at Stockport Observatory each quarter. ASSA members also participate in various special interest groups and social events. Address: GPO Box 199, Adelaide SA 5001 Fees: Full and family $55, country, student or concession $40. Further discount may apply. Contact: Secretary (08) 8270 3631 Web: https://www.assa.org.au
Astronomical Society of Tasmania has general meetings at either the Canopus Observatory site at Cambridge or the Rosny LINC, Bligh St, Rosny Park on the last Tuesday each month except December. Public Open Nights & Astronomy Classes are held at the Canopus Observatory, including weekly observing nights for members. Regular observing nights are also held in the Launceston area. Visitors welcome. Address: Secretary, Joy Coghlan, GPO Box 1654, Hobart Tas 7001 Fees: Full membership $75 (individual or household) and $60 publications only (excludes the full membership privileges of access to the telescopes at Mt. Canopus and the AST library). All AST members receive a subscription to Australian Sky and Telescope magazine as part of their membership. Contact: Hobart 0419 305 722, Launceston - Michael Booth 0408 240 576 or Devonport - Peter Sayers (03) 6424 2588. Web: https://ast.n3.net
Astronomical Society of Geelong meets every Friday at 8:30pm at the ASG Club Room, Geelong Showgrounds, Breakwater Road, Geelong. Address: PO Box 1799, Geelong Vic 3220 Contact: Frank Baker 0407 345 070 Web: https://home.vicnet.net.au/~asog
Astronomical Society of Melbourne has monthly club nights and viewing sessions in Melbourne, plus deep sky viewing from their dark sky site located just over one hour from Melbourne in Gippsland. Australia's fastest growing and the friendliest society in our region. Beginners to this fascinating field are our speciality, as we will train you in the night sky - all you need to bring is your enthusiasm. Address: PO Box 92, Bentleigh Vic 3204 Contact: Chris Ellis 0412 318 125 Web: https://www.astromelb.i.net.au
Astronomical Society of Victoria has monthly meetings, held at 8pm on the 2nd Wednesday each month, except January, at the National Herbarium, Birdwood Ave, South Yarra. ASV specialist sections also hold regular meetings. The society holds beginner classes in astronomy. The ASV has 2 properties, their Burwood premises (housing a 0.5m telescope) and a dark sky site near Heathcote with a 0.64m telescope. Heathcote is the venue for the annual Star Party and Star-Be-Cue events. Membership advantages include: their bi-monthly newsletter Crux, the Yearbook, email news, members' nights at Melbourne Observatory, loan telescopes, a library and computer facilities. Address: GPO Box 1059, Melbourne Vic 3001 Fees: Full $70 (Victorian individuals or families); concessional $50 (juniors, seniors 65 or above, students under 25, pensioners (including disability)). Conditions are detailed on the website. A joining fee of $20 applies to all categories except juniors. Contact: Linda Mockridge (Public Relations Officer) (03) 9888 7130 Web: https://www.asv.org.au
Astronomy Benalla meets on the third Wed of each month at 7:30pm at Benalla Hockey Club Room, Churchill Park, Waller St Benalla. Formed early in 2010, meetings take the form of short admin meeting followed by a couple of speakers. Monthly observing nights are at a dark sky site at the Baddaginnie Recreation Reserve (12km from Benalla) Address: 61 Benson St, Benalla Vic 3672 Fees: $25 per annum Contact: Rupe Cheetham (President) (03) 5762 1523 Web: https://www.ab.teedee.com.au
Ballaarat Astronomical Society holds bi-monthly general meetings, 2nd Friday of the month, beginning in February. Membership is open to anyone over the age of ten years. They have a quarterly Bulletin and run 'Introduction to Astronomy Courses' in Autumn and Spring. The Society is the custodian of the Ballarat Municipal Observatory (see also Places section). Address: PO Box 284, Ballarat Vic 3353 Contact: (03) 5332 7526 (society info.) Web: https://observatory.ballarat.net
Latrobe Valley Astronomical Society meets on the second Tuesday each month (except Dec and Jan) at the Wirilda Park and Conference Centre, Tyers; call for details. They have a bi-monthly newsletter, Nebulous News. The LVAS is active in education, current phenomena and public viewing nights Address: PO Box 1298, Traralgon BC Vic 3844 Fees: $25 Adult, $19 Full-time Student, $13 Junior, $13 Distant Member (members living more than 50km from Morwell) and $38 Family. Contact: John Sunderland (03) 5122 3014 Web: https://home.vicnet.net.au/~lvas/
Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except December) at 8pm, at the modern senior school theatrette, Peninsula School, Wooralla Drive, Mt Eliza. The MPAS have: a society newsletter, an email newsgroup, a library of books, magazines, videos, CD/DVDs, telescopes, and binoculars to borrow, specialist sections, regular social events, and regular viewing nights at the society's observatory site and astronomy centre at The Briars Historic Park property on the Mornington Peninsula. MPAS caters for all ages and levels of experience. Regular monthly public viewing nights are held on the first Friday of each month, and more frequently near National Science Week in August and throughout January, all from 8pm at The Briars Astronomy Centre, Mt. Martha. The society is renowned for its Astronomy on the Move viewing nights and presentations for schools and community groups, which are available upon request. It also conducts frequent viewing nights throughout the year for members at The Briars property (an ASA designated optical observatory).
The MPAS conducts educational courses during the year in astronomy, and has been a leading contributor of astronomy events in Victoria during National Science Week since its inception. It has hosted several state and national conventions of amateur astronomers over the years and actively champions these conferences for promoting excellence in Australian amateur astronomy. The MPAS co-ordinates the southern Australasia aurora alert network, a phone and Yahoo Group forum, spanning all the Australian states and New Zealand, to alert participants when the coloured lights of the aurora Australis are in progress. This is open to all sky observers, and includes amateurs, professionals, and others not even affiliated with any astronomy group. Visitors are welcome. Society viewing nights for members, public and schools are held at The Briars Historic Park in Mt Martha on the 1st Friday of every month and more frequently in August and January. They are hosting the 2011 VASTROC at the Briars site from April 29th to May 1st 2011. Address: PO Box 596, Frankston Vic 3199 Fees: $50 adult, $45 concession, $65 family, $60 family concession, $22 newsletter only, $70 international. Contact: Peter Skilton 0419 253 252 Web: https://www.mpas.asn.au
Oasis Stargazers Club Mildura Inc conduct regular viewing nights, which are open to the public, and once a month have a public activity night. They are also available for community and school groups for star nights. Address: PO Box 378CP, Mildura Vic 3500 Contact: Sandra Tupou (03) 5024 7234 Web: https://mc2.vicnet.net.au/home/astrogroup/web/index.html
Snake Valley Astronomical Association meet and observe at the SVAA Clubroom at 825 Linton-Carngham Rd Snake Valley on the closest Friday to the New Moon each month. We are fortunate to have very dark country sky in Snake Valley, which makes our viewing nights quite spectacular. The benefits of membership, apart from the obvious friendship, is the ability to observe the night sky with more experienced amateur Astronomers willing to help newcomers, and to share knowledge with other experienced Amateurs. Members are more than happy to give assistance and advice on different telescopes and accessories when newcomers wish to purchase such items and can give tips on better viewing techniques.
We also have a library for members to use containing Astronomy books and magazines, Telescopes, Binoculars and Telescope accessories, and we conduct Astronomy programs in local schools. We also hold Snake Valley Astronomy Camps at the Snake Valley Camp each March and November, which have had a great response from amateur astronomers across Australia. We meet and observe as a group on the closest Friday to the New Moon each month at 7:30pm. Members and visitors are also welcome to call and arrange other Friday Nights. The clubroom is very comfortable and helps take the chill out on those very cold country nights. Visitors are always made welcome on our observing nights and at our camps. Address: Snake Valley Astronomical Association, c/o Snake Valley Post Office Vic 3351 Fees: See website Contact: Ken James 0418 425 207 Web: https://svaatest.site88.net
The Astronomical Society of East Gippsland meetings are held at Bairnsdale, Perry Bridge, and Lakes Entrance. Dark sky site near Bairnsdale airport. This is a small group which operates in Bairnsdale and the surrounding districts. Address: 53 Riley St, Bairnsdale Vic 3875 Contact: Mike Finn (03) 5153 2802, 0422 904 238
Bendigo District Astronomical Society arranges Astronomy and Science Presentations at the Discovery Centre, Bendigo, 7:30 pm, on the first Wednesday of each month. The club publishes a monthly newsletter. It holds regular star nights, sidewalk astronomy nights, astrocamps, evening courses and telescope workshops. Weekly radio broadcasts on Radio KLFM 96.5 Bendigo and 106.3 Castlemaine can be accessed via www.bdas.net. Address: PO Box 164, Bendigo Vic 3552 Fees: $30 adult, $20 concession, $30 retiree couples, $40 family. Contact: Peter Mead (Pres) 0407 631 971, Kate McMillan (Sec) 0408 307 251 Web: https://www.bdas.net
Astronomical Group of WA (AGWA) meets at 7pm on the first Tuesday of every month (see address below), visitors are welcome. The AGWA was formed to meet the needs of amateur astronomers and people interested in the night sky, with or without their own telescopes. Activities include: Field trips, seminars by astronomers, workshops and special events and an Annual AstroFest. The AGWA is sponsored by the Binocular, Telescope and Optical World. Address: Unit 5 Malaga Centro, 41 Holder Way, Malaga WA 6090 Contact: Keith Williams (08) 9249 6825 Web: https://astronomygroupwa.com
Astronomical Society of the South West has observing nights at their observatory south of Bunbury on the two Fridays before the New Moon. There is an active junior group which meets twice monthly. Astronomy camps (and more informal evenings) are held during the year at dark sky sites. Membership is open to anyone. A six evening astronomy course for beginners is conducted each year in March/April. Nights for the general public are held during school holidays. Community groups are welcome to book for special nights. Address: PO Box 1100, Bunbury WA 6231 Contact: Phil Smith (08) 9721 1586
Astronomical Society of Western Australia meets at 8pm on the second Monday of every month (except January) at the South Perth Bridge Club, cnr Brittain Street and Barker Avenue, Como. Visitors most welcome. Established in 1950, the Astronomical Society of WA strives to promote and popularise astronomy - as both a modern-day science and an exciting and rewarding hobby, providing many activities for members and the public - particularly encouraging beginners. The monthly General Meeting with guest speaker at 8pm is preceded by classes at 7pm.
Special interest groups - Deep Sky observing, Lunar observing, Workshops, Club nights with speakers also meet monthly, with at least twice yearly Astro-camps held at locations with dark skies and accommodation and other weekends in the country for Seriously Dark Sky Observing. ASWA also promotes public awareness by holding regular observing nights and offering viewing/speakers to schools and community groups. The Society offers members the use of its library and equipment. The ASWA has a bi-monthly journal, The Sidereal Times. Address: PO Box 421 Subiaco WA 6008 Fees: Ordinary member: $35 nomination $75 subscription with discounts for associate, junior, student and country membership, and for receiving electronic newsletters. Web: https://aswa.infot here...